Let's Talk VISION!

Let's Talk VISION!

It wasn't until my early thirties that I discovered the magic of personal development and morning routines. I had just started the journey to build my medical billing service and had no idea HOW I was going to create the life I wanted to live.

I didn't have clarity and really didn't know where to begin in trying to figure that out. I knew what I wanted my life to look like and how I wanted to live. But how to get there? Absolutely no idea. I also didn't know that there WAS a formula you can follow to set you on the right path. And this piece I'm sharing here is not only my favorite but also the most game changing.

Let's talk vision. 

What surprises me most when I talk to my clients about creating their vision statements is genuinely how difficult it is for some - how uncomfortable it is to actually speak (or write) what you truly WANT in life. If this is you, don't worry, I'm going to break it all down for you.

This is one of the most important tools to master and has absolutely, unequivocally changed my life. I have been through lots and lots and LOTS of vision trainings... it's like MY JAM! Because... when you can visualize your future happy life and you feel it deep down in your bones... THAT is when the MAGIC HAPPENS!

dream big

The power of reading your vision every day - and not just sticking it on a shelf - is that you have a crystal clear image of WhY you are working so hard. Remember, when you focus on the WHY, the HOW shows up. Sure, there are plenty of days where I don't want to do the thing, but I know the cost. It's my future, my family's future, and the futures of all the people I'm out here to help. 

Like one of my favorite author says "You have to get over your damn self sometimes" and know that there is a calling in your life. It's not just about you.


Create the habits. Do the things. Find your routine. Change your life.

I wake up every day with the fire of that vision pushing me to do whatever it takes to accomplish the task at hand. The more you read it, the more you will come to believe it. And I truly believe that in life we get what we BELIEVE, not what we want.

Ask yourself if you are committed to your goals or just interested in them. There is a HUGE difference. When you are interested, you'll do the "things" when it feels good and when it's convenient for you. When you're committed, you'll show up every day NO MATTER WHAT.

vision statement

We all know we have to show up every day to make big things happen. Vision will make you see that. Success doesn't come to those who want it, it comes to those who are willing to consistently work for it. REMEMBER: CONSISTENCY WILL TRUMP GREATNESS EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.

So let's get started on that vision, mmmmmkay? Okay!


Here is the MAGIC QUESTION ⬇️

If you had all the money and all the time in the world, what would your life look like? It's important to remind yourself not to play small. DREAM BIG HERE! If you think it, write it down. Don't censor your answer. Don't be shy. Grab your favorite journal or notebook, or simply a blank piece of paper (or two) and go...


Need a little help? Consider these different life categories and questions.

YOUR BODY: Are you strong? Energetic? Rested? Flexible? Agile? Thin? Sexy? Full of muscle? Curvy? How do you show up for your workouts? Do you have a healthy relationship with food?

YOUR HOME: What does it look like? Where is it? By the ocean? In the mountains? Is there a guest house? Horses? A pool? Is there a big porch?

YOUR JOB/RESPONSIBILITIES: What are you doing? How many hours a week do you work? Where are you working? Who are you working with? Are you a stay-at-home mom? Do you have a mentor? Are you a master of your craft?

YOUR FINANCES: What is your annual income? Do you get bonuses? How much do you have in savings? Are you investing? How are your investments going? Do you give to charity? Get specific.

YOUR RELATIONSHIPS: Are you happily single? Married? What is your relationship like with your significant other? Do you have weekly date nights? A passionate relationship? What about your immediate family? Do you have family dinners often? Do you laugh together? Talk together? Communicate well? What kind of friendships do you have? Are they supportive and encouraging? What do you do together?

YOUR FREE TIME/COMMUNITY: What do you do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? How often do you participate in them? Do you play an instrument? Travel? What do you do for fun? What luxuries do you enjoy? How do you give back to your community? Do you volunteer? Are you philanthropic?

 how to write a vision statement

Take your time with this and have a ton of fun! Your vision should make you super EXCITED and feel HOPEFUL! Sometimes it will even make you cry happy tears. Because if you can think it and visualize it, you can make it happen!

I hope these tips help. As always... if you have questions at all, I'm just a message away!


Charlani 🖤

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